Q:How do I make an appointment?
A:Usually by proposing a time and date via email or phone and confirming it with the therapist.
Q:What do I need to do before the treatment?
A:Drink plenty of water on the day you are arriving, it will aid in the absorption of the sound and vibration thus prolonging and making the treatment more efficient.
A:In the case of medical diagnoses / history, bring your documentation with you, as well as your GP’s number or specialist number. We often contact them to ensure the most effective course of treatment for you.
Q:How should I be dressed?
A:Dress comfortably and preferably as if you are attending a yoga class.
Q:How long does the individual treatment last?
A:That may vary from 45min to 90min. The treatment itself is composed of three stages, introductory conversation, sound treatment, and follow-up conversation.
Q:What do I need to do after treatment?
A:Immediacy after the treatment one should avoid noise and crowded places. Drink plenty of water for the next couple of days hence it will prolong the effects of the treatment. Follow the instructions from the therapist.
Q:What should I do in case of bad reaction after the treatment?
A:While your body is integrating the treatment some people may end up with mild headaches, feeling cold, having a flu-like symptom, sleepiness, mild anxiety or in cases of operation or broken bones they may feel flashing pain on those parts.
A:Such sensations when they happen are normal and quick in passing; it is the way the body is repeating itself.
Q:How much does individual treatment costs?
A:Refer to our website and look under services for a price list.
