Resonance is a sensational journey, which reveals 60 years of scientific research into the harm being caused to life by man made wireless frequencies.

The first documentary film to investigate the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. Resonance takes a deeper look at how humanity is reacting to the most profound environmental change the planet has ever seen. Two billion years ago life first appeared on earth, a planet bathed in a natural electromagnetic frequency. As life slowly evolved from simple to complex organisms, it did so surrounded by this frequency, forming a harmonic relationship with it, a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.

New research is showing that exposure to this frequency is vital to human beings. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, it aids our immune system, and it improves our overall sense of well-being. Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, but our body is also suffused with them. Our cells communicate using electromagnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions using frequency waves. Without them, we could not exist.

I would like to appeal to parents, grandparents, teacher and all who have love for this beautiful plant of ours. Watch this, learn about the harmful effects of such a man-made frequencies, and protect through understanding and non-violence.

NADA BRAHMA – everything in universe vibrates.

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