Season of Cold is coming, and I don’t mean just the cold weather here! With more strain on our immune system from various sources, although at the beginning we may thing everything is alright, I’m healthy as a bull, the prolonged effects may leave you stranded and already depleted for the upcoming seasons, which are stressful on their own, underneath it all family connections bare certain load that is accumulating throughout the relationship dynamics, such stressful states may prove to be just the right focal point of release.
Everything is connected, body – mind – spirit, we are one system, and by working away from the problem area, we focus on strengthening resources that are here and now at our disposal ensuring that the unfolding moment rests on foundations of strength, support, wakefulness.
That said let me present you with a thought you can play with, if I may. Here you are two couples from work, it is Friday and you just want to leave the week behind and be able to enjoy your weekend with family and friends rejuvenated, as a wave washes the shores. May I suggest a group session for all four of you? Chose which place is most convenient for you, and we’ll set up a date and time for your 90min Sound Bath session.
Helpful with immediate effects: “burn-out” syndrome, anxiety syndromes, sleep disorder, and more.
So, get ready for that big season ahead of us, join us in or Winter Sound Baths and make it count for what it is intended for… family and friends.