12 Types of Pain and their Emotional States

12 Types of Pain and their Emotional States

How much do emotions affect chronic pain? According to Dr. Susan Babel, a psychologist that specializes in trauma-induced depression, quite a bit.

She states, “Studies have shown that chronic pain might not only be caused by physical injury but also by stress and emotional issues.” Also, “Physical pain functions to warn a person that there is still emotional work to be done.” – Psychology Today

Why sound heals

Why sound heals?

We can feel it when we turn on the radio and our favorite song happens to be playing, or when we sit quietly and listen to the rain. There is a palpable peace when we are absorbed in quiet and a different kind of rejuvenation when we hear the wind in the trees. There is no doubt that sound has subtle, but profound effects on our body, minds and spirits. How exactly does sound work, though, to heal us?

“At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. We know that every particle in the physical universe takes its characteristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, its singing. Before we make music, music makes us.”
~ Joachim-Ernst Berendt, The World is Sound

Easy ways to practice Mindfulness & EBT™

Easy ways to practice Mindfulness & EBT™

Living mindfully with Empowered Breathing™ Technique is one of the very best ways that you can transform your life. When people think about meditation they think about sitting in lotus pose and clearing your mind for extended periods of time. Mindfulness with Empowered Breathing™ Technique is awesome because it is about becoming fully present in this moment and becoming fully aware of your senses, thoughts, and emotions.
One of the most incredible parts of Empowered Breathing™ Technique is that you can make it a part of nearly everything you do in everyday life. When you fully become present you tap into what appears to others as super powers. You don’t miss the subtle happenings around you and can better anticipate future events.