
Here you can find a list of our services that in combination with our therapy treatments can lead you to your full potential. Being a client of our services, you can expect the utmost professionalism, individual approach, and in-depth research so we can address your matters at hand with apt confidence.

Here you can inform yourself with the range of our operation, whether you need requires clinical approach or just more of a day-to-day need, the sound will find its base of operation within your being.

We welcome you and encourage you to take this journey to the most inner depths of yourself, having for a reward a happy, healthy, and creative living.

Empowered Recovery Management

ZEN SOUND Empowered Recovery Management

- cancer / pre- or post- recovery, chemotherapy recovery
- stroke / somatosensory and mobility recovery
- multiple sclerosis / muscular fatigue, cognitive dysfunction
- palliative care / pain management

Empowered Stress Management

ZEN SOUND Empowered Stress Management

- "burn-out" syndrome, anxiety syndromes
- sleep disorder
- eating / digestive disorders

Empowered Relaxation & Meditation

ZEN SOUND Empowered Relaxation & Meditation

- deep relaxation
- self-development / spirituality

Empowered Yoga Sessions

ZEN SOUND Empowered Yoga Sessions

- physical exercises with sound therapy
- breathing techniques with sound therapy
- guided meditation with sound therapy

Empowered Professionals

ZEN SOUND Empowered Professionals

- counselling / supervision
- mental and physical rejuvenation with sound therapy

Empowered Caring Services

ZEN SOUND Empowered Caring Services

*integrated service
- day care services for disabled
- life improvement services for disabled

With every client and every treatment, we are continually building up knowledge base striving to improve our services in confidence of providing our clients with excellence.

Thank you our dear clients for being an integral part of this process. Feel free to book a free consultation and find out today how our services and treatments can help you achieve excellence.