– “burn-out” syndrome, anxiety syndromes
– sleep disorder
– eating / digestive disorders

The main benefits of this type of session:
  • promotes releases of tension and blockage, both physical and mental
  • promotes health harmonisation by revitalisation and rejuvenation
  • promotes strengthening of a primal credence of the body
  • promotes grounding

Stress, states of restlessness or unexpressed states can cause a lot of mental misbalance. That can at the time disable us from rational thinking even prevent us from accessing our working memory. In a sense causing narrow-mindedness, putting us into a defensive state.

People who experience a lot of stress can find themselves almost constantly in that defensive mind-set. Needless to say that prolonged effects of such states will cause further “negative stress reactions” that can have severe effect on our whole system; since stress can cause damage to our limbic system and furthermore increasing our emotional irritability.

Sound therapy mainly reduces cognitive dissonance on a somatosensory and a neural level, providing immediate relief with our Empowered Stress Management program. Book a free consultation and find out today how we can help you live your life more joys.