Peter Hess® Sound Massage application in therapy may be our primary support or it can complement other treatments of healing and recovery in cooperation with qualified experts.
Professionals of Peter Hess® Sound Massage have gained valuable experience through over a million Sound Massages in numerous fields of professions. The wide range of usage spans from prenatal classes right through to palliative care.
In primary therapy Sound Massage can support the following treatments:
- Wellness and relaxation (cosmetic, mini face-lifting, stress management)
- Professional sport (muscle elasticity, coordination, focus, fatigue management)
- Back pain, damaged discs, painful joints, arthritis
- Indigestion problems
- Heart problems
- Infertility, impotence and low sex drive
- Menstrual problems
- Poor circulation and lymph flow
- Recovery after stroke or chemotherapy
- Immune system booster

In cooperation with institutions
and qualified experts:
- Obstetrics
- Physiotherapy
- Psychotherapy
- Counselling
- Pediatric work
- Retirement and nursing homes
- People with disabilities
- Spiritual development
- Palliative Care
In cooperation with alternative therapy's:
(predominantly used as an enhancement, that provides vitalization and enables stable conductivity)
- Reiki, ThetaHealing®, Energy healing, etc.
- Crystal therapy
- Acupuncture therapy
- Chiropractic therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Yoga