Kako terapija zvukom iscjeljuje?

Kako terapija zvukom iscjeljuje?

U posljednjih nekoliko godina, terapija zvukom i uporaba zvuka za liječenje i oporavak uživa novi val pažnje, što rezultira pojavljenjem sve većeg broja praktičara na sceni, kao i inovativnih modaliteta inspiriranih drevnim praksama s najnovijim otkrićima moderne znanosti.

Terapija zvukom otkriva aspekt nas samih za koje, u svakodnevnom stanju svjesni, nismo ni svjesni. Dopušta nam uspostavljanje izvornog stanje “osobne rezonance” i oslobađa prostor za promjenu i rast. Zbog različitosti klijenata i njihovih psihofizičkih stanja, pristup se prije svega temelji na fenomenološkom proučavanja zvuka, što znači, promatranju djelovanja i odgovora zvuka na primatelja.



The human brain is a network of approximately one hundred billion neurons. Different experiences create different neural connections which bring about different emotions. And depending on which neurons get stimulated, certain connections become stronger and more efficient, while others may become weaker. This is what’s called neuroplasticity.

Someone who trains to be a musician will create stronger neural connections that link the two hemispheres of the brain in order to be musically creative. Eventually every sort of skill or talent can be created.

Why sound heals

Why sound heals?

We can feel it when we turn on the radio and our favorite song happens to be playing, or when we sit quietly and listen to the rain. There is a palpable peace when we are absorbed in quiet and a different kind of rejuvenation when we hear the wind in the trees. There is no doubt that sound has subtle, but profound effects on our body, minds and spirits. How exactly does sound work, though, to heal us?

“At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. We know that every particle in the physical universe takes its characteristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, its singing. Before we make music, music makes us.”
~ Joachim-Ernst Berendt, The World is Sound

Is DNA Reprogrammable?

Is DNA Reprogrammable?

As though to confirm the hunch many of us had that our “junk” DNA was anything but disposable, researchers from the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney’s Centenary Institute have proven that 97 percent of human DNA programs or encodes proteins in our body. One of the researchers involved in this study said, “this discovery, involving what was previously referred to as ‘junk,’ opens up a new level of gene expression control…”