12 Types of Pain and their Emotional States

12 Types of Pain and their Emotional States

How much do emotions affect chronic pain? According to Dr. Susan Babel, a psychologist that specializes in trauma-induced depression, quite a bit.

She states, “Studies have shown that chronic pain might not only be caused by physical injury but also by stress and emotional issues.” Also, “Physical pain functions to warn a person that there is still emotional work to be done.” – Psychology Today

Anksioznost, pobijedite tog tihog pratioca

Anksioznost, pobijedite tog tihog pratioca

Danas po nekim istraživanjima skoro svaka četvrta osoba pati od nekog oblika mentalnog poremećaja s akcentom povećavanja istog broja. Svakodnevna ludnica, nedostatak osobnog vremena i sve silne obaveze koje smo si nevoljko nametnuli tek su samo predznak da se krećemo u krivom smjeru.

Anksioznost obično nije vezana za konkretan objekt ili osobu, već je to prije svega osjećaj kako će se sigurno dogoditi nešto strašno, a osoba se boji kako neće imati dovoljno hrabrosti suočiti se sa opasnošću. Ovakvo stanje značajno smanjuje kvalitetu života i kontaminira gotovo sva područja života u kojoj je nekad ta osoba uživala.

Kako terapija zvukom iscjeljuje?

Kako terapija zvukom iscjeljuje?

U posljednjih nekoliko godina, terapija zvukom i uporaba zvuka za liječenje i oporavak uživa novi val pažnje, što rezultira pojavljenjem sve većeg broja praktičara na sceni, kao i inovativnih modaliteta inspiriranih drevnim praksama s najnovijim otkrićima moderne znanosti.

Terapija zvukom otkriva aspekt nas samih za koje, u svakodnevnom stanju svjesni, nismo ni svjesni. Dopušta nam uspostavljanje izvornog stanje “osobne rezonance” i oslobađa prostor za promjenu i rast. Zbog različitosti klijenata i njihovih psihofizičkih stanja, pristup se prije svega temelji na fenomenološkom proučavanja zvuka, što znači, promatranju djelovanja i odgovora zvuka na primatelja.

Easy ways to practice Mindfulness & EBT™

Easy ways to practice Mindfulness & EBT™

Living mindfully with Empowered Breathing™ Technique is one of the very best ways that you can transform your life. When people think about meditation they think about sitting in lotus pose and clearing your mind for extended periods of time. Mindfulness with Empowered Breathing™ Technique is awesome because it is about becoming fully present in this moment and becoming fully aware of your senses, thoughts, and emotions.
One of the most incredible parts of Empowered Breathing™ Technique is that you can make it a part of nearly everything you do in everyday life. When you fully become present you tap into what appears to others as super powers. You don’t miss the subtle happenings around you and can better anticipate future events.

Riješite se stresa zvukoterapijom

Riješite se stresa zvukoterapijom

Ne uspijevate se riješiti stresa? Pokušajte uspostaviti unutarnju ravnotežu zvukoterapijom, tretmanom zvučne masaže s pomoću tibetanskih zdjela. Naša novinarka Martina Validžić isprobala je ovu metodu, i unatoč početnoj sumnjičavosti uvjerila se u trenutačno djelovanje! Od silne ugode zaspala je, kaže, kao top.

Zvukoterapija je vrsta tretmana u kojem se pomoću vibracije zvuka otkrivaju i otklanjaju energetske, fizičke i psihičke blokade.

Brainwave entrainment

Brainwave entrainment

The Neuro-Programmer uses sound and light to directly affect the brain through a complex neural process called Brainwave Entrainment. Brainwave Entrainment (pronounced: “ehn – TRAIN – mint”) refers to the brain’s electrical response to rhythmic sensory stimulation, such as pulses of sound or light.

When the brain is given a stimulus, through the ears, eyes or other senses, it emits an electrical charge in response, called a Cortical Evoked Response. These electrical responses travel throughout the brain to become what you “see and hear.” This activity can be measured using sensitive electrodes attached to the scalp.

Season of Cold

Season of Cold

Season of Cold is coming, and I don’t mean just the cold weather here! With more strain on our immune system from various sources, although at the beginning we may thing everything is alright, I’m healthy as a bull, the prolonged effects may leave you stranded and already depleted for the upcoming seasons, which are stressful on their own, underneath it all family connections bare certain load that is accumulating throughout the relationship dynamics, such stressful states may prove to be just the right focal point of release.