Importance of 432Hz tuning

Importance of 432Hz tuning

Overtone partials of A = 432Hz 12T5 appear to line up to natural patterns and also the resonance of solitons. Can the current international concert pitch of music somehow be improved to create a more resonant and pleasant positive experience for both the musician and the listener? Can that change be more resonant based on observations of geometry and mathematical patterns found in nature?



When we are speak about meditation with gong or singing bowls, we are talking about directly influencing vibratory properties of the brain conveying the term neuroplasticity, rewiring of the brain. Therefor, the result is an offering of a different perception, rest is up to you; repeating the experience will reinforce those neural connections, allowing you to be the change you wish to see.

“On this Path let the heart be your guide.”
~ Rumi